School Behaviour Code
Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct is Ready, Respectful, Safe. It is displayed in all classrooms and is carried by all students in their knowledge organisers. It outlines our shared and fundamental expectations of behaviour in class and around the school site. The following guidelines show the ways in which we expect you to follow the code in your daily life at school, on your journey to and from school, when you are at home doing your schoolwork and at any time when you are acting as a representative of the school.
Achievement points are awarded to students throughout the lesson and around the school for recognition of students demonstrating the attributes of Knowledge, Care and Ambition.
- Knowledge - I want to learn and will stretch myself to achieve. I am ready and respectful by always working to the best of my ability.
- Care - I am compassionate. I care about others and my surroundings. I expect others to do the same. I am always respectful towards others and behave in a safe and caring way.
- Ambition - I expect the best from myself and others. I am hopeful and have ambitious plans for my future.
Points are accumulated in SIMS and communicated with families throughout the year; points contribute towards rewards trips, prom, badges, and other prize giving events. The tutor will have their home page set-up to identify the rewards that the students have achieved. A student will be awarded a badge once they have achieved 10 achievement points for that attribute and will be awarded in assemblies by a member of the Senior Leadership team. Students who demonstrate achievement above and beyond School expectations for example, representing the school at county level, will be awarded the “badge of outstanding contribution”. This is the top award that a student can achieve. It is agreed by the tutor/Year Leader and Senior Leadership team which students are nominated for this award.
Consequences of Behaviour
When student behaviour or work fails to meet the expected standard, it will result in an appropriate sanction. Behaviour is for learning and behaviour must not disrupt the learning of others.
Consequences will be applied consistently and fairly if the behaviour does not meet expectations. Staff will follow this structure:
- WARNING: If a student is misbehaving or is disrupting the learning of others, they will be issued with a clear warning. The teacher will tell the student what they are getting wrong and what they need to do to modify their behaviour.
- CONSEQUENCE: If the behaviour persists, a teacher will have to give the student a consequence. This will be a 40 minute supervised detention after school where the student will be expected to complete work. This will be recorded on SIMS and parents will be informed.
- REMOVAL: If the student does not rectify their behaviour or continues to disrupt the learning of others they will be removed from the lesson. This will be followed by a period of time in the Inclusion and Support Hub. Parents will be contacted and the student will discuss strategies to avoid future removal.
It is essential that we help students by teaching them appropriate behaviour for learning and self-discipline. In addition to the classroom steps above, it may be necessary to further intervene to support student behaviour - please refer to our Behaviour for Learning Policy.
Additional Information
Suspensions: As a last resort, suspensions will be used. This will be communicated to parents through a phone call and a letter. Following a suspension, a reintegration meeting will be held prior to the student returning to school. A parent will be required to attend this meeting during which our graduated response to exclusion will be discussed. Alongside this, appropriate support mechanisms will be put in place to support students and guide them to improve their behaviour. Students who have received multiple suspensions will move along the school Graduated Response. This will trigger further monitoring, support, and intervention. Students who receive numerous suspensions from school are at risk of permanent exclusion. More details on suspension and permanent exclusions can be found in the behaviour for learning and our exclusion policy.
Permanent exclusion will be used in serious cases as outlined in the Exclusion Policy and the Behaviour for Learning Policy.
We expect you to follow the School Code and behave well at all times so that everyone can learn in a safe environment. Any behaviour deemed contrary to the School Code will be dealt with firmly, including the following examples:
Bullying, racism or sexism: These will not be tolerated at Greyfriars Catholic School.
Disrupting the learning of others: This will not be tolerated and is likely to lead to some form of exclusion.
Refusing to accept the authority of a teacher or other adult: This is also likely to lead to some form of exclusion.
Defacing or damaging school property: This is likely to lead to a fine and exclusion. Rudeness or bad language. Rudeness of a member of staff will probably result in exclusion. Rudeness published in print or on the Internet could lead to permanent exclusion.
Fighting and/or physical assault on another member of our community: This will normally lead to temporary or permanent exclusion from school.
Smoking in school or on the way to or from school: No smoking or vaping is permitted anywhere on the school site. Smoking materials must not be brought onto the site. Smoking is also not permitted in school uniform, even outside of school grounds. Students with smokers (but not smoking) are also subject to sanctions which can range from detention to exclusion.
Possession/Passing of Drugs: If you bring drugs into school, pass or receive drugs, the school will seek permanent exclusion, in line with the school’s drugs policy. Alcohol will be treated similarly to drugs.
Misbehaviour on buses or walking to/from school: This will be treated as seriously as misbehaviour at school. School rules and standards apply whilst you are in school uniform.
Mobile phones or other unauthorised electronic equipment (such as Smartwatches) in school: Mobile phones need to be turned off and kept in students' bags throughout the school day together with any other electronic equipment.
Audio equipment and photographic equipment must not be used in school without special permission from a senior member of staff: This includes recording and photographic facilities on mobile phones. Where this rule is ignored, the device will be confiscated until a parent collects it and a sanction will be issued.
Having make-up or wearing jewellery which should not be in school: These items will be confiscated and returned after an appropriate period
Having any dangerous or inappropriate items in school including: aerosols, smoking materials, laser pens, weapons of any sort and any other items which could cause harm to other members of our community: Items of this nature will be confiscated and not returned and further action such as exclusion may result.
Buying or selling any item on school premises without permission: This will always result in a sanction.
Serious breaches of code such as making someone unsafe; outright defiance; bringing our school into disrepute: These will always result in a sanction.
Further Guidelines
To ensure the safe and smooth working of the school, please note these additional guidelines which we expect you to follow:
- Outdoor coats must be removed when inside the building and kept in lockers or carried in your school bag.
- Large sums of money or valuable items should not be brought to school.
- Chewing gum is completely banned and must not be brought into school.
- If you arrive late, you must sign the late book or report to Mrs. Whyte in the attendance office.
- Enter and leave the school via the Main Gate or the pedestrian gate only.
- Any requests for attendance at medical appointments during the school day must be covered by a letter from your parent/guardian and the relevant medical appointment card.
- Respect the field and playground as part of our school site by leaving no litter behind you.
- The boundary fence is out of bounds; students should stay at least three metres away from it.
Daily Classroom Routine
Tutor Time
When you enter your tutor room, you should:
- Get out your journal, pen and any other equipment you may need. Journals should be opened to the current week.
- Stand behind your chair in silence until your teacher asks you to pray
- Sit down in silence and listen while the register is called.
At the beginning of each lesson, you should:
- Line up outside your classroom and wait for your teacher to invite you into the classroom.
- Enter the classroom in silence as soon as the teacher invites you in.
- Take out the books and equipment you need, including your journal
- Stand behind your chair in silence and wait for the first instructions.
During the lesson, you should follow our code of conduct: ready, respectful, safe, at all times, you should:
- Pay attention at all times and remember you are there to learn.
- Be polite and respectful whenever you need to say anything
- Never distract others from their learning
- Never prevent the teacher from teaching
At the end of all learning sessions, including Tutor Time, you should:
- Only put away your things and stand when the teacher says.
- Put your chair under your desk and check the floor for litter.
- Dismiss quietly into the corridor.
Collective Worship
During collective worship, students are:
- Expected to enter the liturgical space in silence and in boy/girl order, to sit where they are directed to sit by the teacher or the student leader in charge. They are expected to sit in silence, with reverence, and to participate in all aspects of the liturgy.
- Expected to enter the chapel in silence. They are expected to behave with reverence throughout their time in the chapel, remembering they are in the presence of God.