Religious Life
Our Chapel
Our Chapel is situated in the centre of the site, a constant visual reminder to us that Christ is at the centre of our school community and activity. The uniquely shaped circular chapel seats around ninety people and is a place of peace and refuge from our busy life for the whole community. The Blessed Sacrament is reserved in our Chapel and its doors open for prayer and collective worship services at different points of the year.
Greyfriars School Prayer
God our Father,
we ask you to bless us and our school.
Send your Holy Spirit to guide us on our journey and
help us to walk in your ways,
where together we live, love, learn and celebrate.
Through Jesus Christ your Son.
Central to a Catholic school is its masses and liturgies. Since the Mass is the source and summit of our faith, great importance is placed on these times of collective worship where all are included regardless of faith.
Students participate in:
Tutor group Masses in the Chapel.
Year group Masses on Holy days of Obligation and special feast days such as Ascension Day and the Feast of St Peter and St Paul.
Whole school Masses for our Feast Day and our End of Year Celebration.
There are many special liturgies to mark important feast days of the Church’s liturgical year, including: Remembrance Day, Advent and Lent Reconciliation, Ash Wednesday, Annunciation and Foot Washing. All of these services are led by local priests, staff, and students.
“Provision for catholic life is extensive and comprehensive… there is an innovative and extensive approach which is much appreciated by students and impacts on their lives”
(RE & Catholic Life Inspection, Section 48 Report)
Each week students receive year group assemblies based on the theme of the Gospel for the following Sunday from a senior member of staff or a member of the Chaplaincy team. As well as receiving whole year information from their Head of Year, students receive an understanding of Gospel Values and Virtues and how these can be lived out in their daily life.
“Students from early years to KS5 develop and awareness of the importance of prayer. Throughout the school there is respect for the quiet moments.”
(RE & Catholic Life Inspection, Section 48 Report)
Due to the pandemic, there has been an interruption in our provision of retreats for our students. We hope to gradually re-establish these to provide regular opportunities for students to stop, take a step back and ask life’s big questions. Eventually, students will have opportunities to go on a day or residential retreat to Alton Castle or Kintbury and there will also be potential for pilgrimages.
“Students grow in an understanding of the role of religion in their lives, and an awareness of their role within the community of the School.”
(RE & Catholic Life Inspection, Section 48 Report)